(configs, world, ros_launch_manager=None, robots={}, sensors={}, algorithms={})[source]¶Bases: pyrobot.algorithms.algorithm.Algorithm
Base class of Kinematics algorithms. Specifically, this algorithm handles computing of forward/inverse kinematics, and jacobian.
The algorithm should take a robot model urdf, specified in a tree of joint frames, in the constructor, and compute forward/inverse kinematics and jacobian correspond to that urdf.
(configs, world, ros_launch_manager=None, robots={}, sensors={}, algorithms={})[source]¶Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
()[source]¶This function checks required configs shared by all kinematics instances in constructor.
The kinematic algorithm handles one robot, and one robot only
The robot has an arm
The arm has a base frame, an end-effector frame, and urdf description.
with customized algorithm config checks after calling this function using super().check_cfg()
(joint_pos, target_frame)[source]¶of the target frame w.r.t base frame.
for a 5DoF arm with (joint1, joint2, …, joint5) in urdf, this function should return a vector with size 5 of (angle1, angle2, …, angle5)
target_frame: string of target frame name
position: list of position vector in the form of [x, y, z]. Unit: meters. quarternion: list of quaternion vector in the form of [x, y, z, w]
If a forward kinematics solution cannot be found, this function should raise an error.
(position, orientation)[source]¶This function takes in position and orientation of end effector, and map to joint angles.
position: position vector as list-like objects in the form of [x, y, z]. Unit: meters. orientation: orientation vector or matrix with one of the following forms:
euler angles, as list-like object of form [x, y, z]
quaternion, as list-like object of form [x, y, z, w]
a 3x3 3D rotation matrix
i.e. for a 5DoF arm with (joint1, joint2, …, joint5) in urdf, this function should return a vector with size 5 of (angle1, angle2, …, angle5)
If an inverse kinematics solution cannot be found, this function should raise an error.