Base Controller

class pyrobot.algorithms.base_controller.BaseController(configs, world, ros_launch_manager=None, robots={}, sensors={}, algorithms={})[source]

Bases: pyrobot.algorithms.algorithm.Algorithm

Base class of Base controller algorithms.

Specifically, this algorithm handles moving base to absolute in the world frame, relative location in the base frame, and track pre-generated trajectories.

__init__(configs, world, ros_launch_manager=None, robots={}, sensors={}, algorithms={})[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


This function checks required configs shared by all base controller instances in constructor.

Specifically, it checks for:
  1. The base controller algorithm handles one robot, and one robot only

  2. The robot has a base

  3. The base has a control subscriber which allows the controller to publish velocity commands

For any algorithm specific config checks, please extend the check_cfg function

with customized algorithm config checks after calling this function using super().check_cfg()

go_to_absolute(xyt_position, close_loop=True, smooth=True)[source]

This function takes in desired xyt_position in world frame, and move the base to this xyt_position

xyt_position: a list-like object with size 3 in the form of [x, y, theta],
denoting desired translation along x-axis in world frame (meters),

desired translation along y-axis in world frame (meters), desired orientation in world frame (radius) respectively.

close_loop: bool. Specify if the controller should work in close loop. Default: True smooth: bool. Specify if the controller should generate smooth motion. Default: True


status: bool. True if the base gets to the target xyt pose; False otherwise.

go_to_relative(xyt_position, close_loop=True, smooth=True)[source]

This function takes in desired xyt_position in base frame, and move the base to this xyt_position

xyt_position: a list-like object with size 3 in the form of [x, y, theta],
denoting desired translation along x-axis in base frame (meters),

desired translation along y-axis in base frame (meters), desired orientation in base frame (radius) respectively.

close_loop: bool. Specify if the controller should work in close loop. Default: True smooth: bool. Specify if the controller should generate smooth motion. Default: True


status: bool. True if the base gets to the target xyt pose; False otherwise.


This function stops the base.

track_trajectory(states, close_loop=True)[source]

This function takes in a trajectory of (x, y, theta) points in world frame, and move the base to follow the trajectory


states: a list of (x, y, theta) vectors [[x1, y1, theta1], …, [xn, yn, thetan]] such that in each entry

x denotes desired translation along x-axis in world frame (meters), y denotes desired translation along y-axis in world frame (meters), theta denotes desired orientation in world frame (radius) respectively.

close_loop: bool. Specify if the controller should work in close loop. Default: True


status: bool. True if the base gets to all xyt-points in states; False otherwise.