Source code for

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import os
import rospkg
import threading
import yaml
from copy import deepcopy

import message_filters
import numpy as np
import pyrobot.utils.util as prutil
import rospy

from import Camera
from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Float64
from tf import TransformListener

from pyrobot.utils.util import try_cv2_import, append_namespace

cv2 = try_cv2_import()

from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError

def constrain_within_range(value, MIN, MAX):
    return min(max(value, MIN), MAX)

def is_within_range(value, MIN, MAX):
    return (value <= MAX) and (value >= MIN)

[docs]class LoCoBotCamera(Camera): """ This is camera class that interfaces with the Realsense camera and the pan and tilt joints on the robot. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configs, ns=""): """ Constructor of the LoCoBotCamera class. :param configs: Object containing configurations for camera, pan joint and tilt joint. :type configs: YACS CfgNode """ use_camera = rospy.get_param("use_camera", False) use_sim = rospy.get_param("use_sim", False) use_camera = use_camera or use_sim if not use_camera: rospy.logwarn( "Neither use_camera, nor use_sim, is not set" " to True when the LoCoBot driver is launched." "You may not be able to command the camera" " correctly using PyRobot!!!" ) return super(LoCoBotCamera, self).__init__(configs=configs, ns=ns) rospy.Subscriber( append_namespace(self.ns, self.configs.ROSTOPIC_JOINT_STATES), JointState, self._camera_pose_callback, ) self.set_pan_pub = rospy.Publisher( append_namespace(self.ns,self.configs.ROSTOPIC_SET_PAN), Float64, queue_size=1 ) self.set_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher( append_namespace(self.ns,self.configs.ROSTOPIC_SET_TILT), Float64, queue_size=1 ) self.pan = None self.tilt = None self.tol = 0.01
def _camera_pose_callback(self, msg): if "head_pan_joint" in pan_id ="head_pan_joint") self.pan = msg.position[pan_id] if "head_tilt_joint" in tilt_id ="head_tilt_joint") self.tilt = msg.position[tilt_id] @property def state(self): """ Return the current pan and tilt joint angles of the robot camera. :return: pan_tilt: A list the form [pan angle, tilt angle] :rtype: list """ return self.get_state()
[docs] def get_state(self): """ Return the current pan and tilt joint angles of the robot camera. :return: pan_tilt: A list the form [pan angle, tilt angle] :rtype: list """ return [self.pan, self.tilt]
[docs] def get_pan(self): """ Return the current pan joint angle of the robot camera. :return: pan: Pan joint angle :rtype: float """ return self.pan
[docs] def get_tilt(self): """ Return the current tilt joint angle of the robot camera. :return: tilt: Tilt joint angle :rtype: float """ return self.tilt
[docs] def set_pan(self, pan, wait=True): """ Sets the pan joint angle to the specified value. :param pan: value to be set for pan joint :param wait: wait until the pan angle is set to the target angle. :type pan: float :type wait: bool """ pan = constrain_within_range( np.mod(pan + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi, self.configs.MIN_PAN, self.configs.MAX_PAN, ) self.set_pan_pub.publish(pan) if wait: for i in range(30): rospy.sleep(0.1) if np.fabs(self.get_pan() - pan) < self.tol: break
[docs] def set_tilt(self, tilt, wait=True): """ Sets the tilt joint angle to the specified value. :param tilt: value to be set for the tilt joint :param wait: wait until the tilt angle is set to the target angle. :type tilt: float :type wait: bool """ tilt = constrain_within_range( np.mod(tilt + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi, self.configs.MIN_TILT, self.configs.MAX_TILT, ) self.set_tilt_pub.publish(tilt) if wait: for i in range(30): rospy.sleep(0.1) if np.fabs(self.get_tilt() - tilt) < self.tol: break
[docs] def set_pan_tilt(self, pan, tilt, wait=True): """ Sets both the pan and tilt joint angles to the specified values. :param pan: value to be set for pan joint :param tilt: value to be set for the tilt joint :param wait: wait until the pan and tilt angles are set to the target angles. :type pan: float :type tilt: float :type wait: bool """ pan = constrain_within_range( np.mod(pan + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi, self.configs.MIN_PAN, self.configs.MAX_PAN, ) tilt = constrain_within_range( np.mod(tilt + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi, self.configs.MIN_TILT, self.configs.MAX_TILT, ) self.set_pan_pub.publish(pan) self.set_tilt_pub.publish(tilt) if wait: for i in range(30): rospy.sleep(0.1) if ( np.fabs(self.get_pan() - pan) < self.tol and np.fabs(self.get_tilt() - tilt) < self.tol ): break
[docs] def reset(self): """ This function resets the pan and tilt joints by actuating them to their home configuration. """ self.set_pan_tilt(self.configs.RESET_PAN, self.configs.RESET_TILT)