Source code for pyrobot.robots.locobot.arm

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import numpy as np
import rospy
from locobot_control.analytic_ik import AnalyticInverseKinematics as AIK
from locobot_control.srv import JointCommand
from pyrobot.robots.arm import Arm
from std_msgs.msg import Empty

from pyrobot.utils.util import append_namespace

[docs]class LoCoBotArm(Arm): """ This class has functionality to control a robotic arm in joint and task space (with and without any motion planning), for position/velocity/torque control, etc. """
[docs] def __init__( self, configs, ns="" ): """ The constructor for LoCoBotArm class. :param configs: configurations read from config file :param control_mode: Choose between 'position', 'velocity' and 'torque' control :param moveit_planner: Planner name for moveit, only used if planning_mode = 'moveit'. :param use_moveit: use moveit or not, default is True :type configs: YACS CfgNode :type control_mode: string :type moveit_planner: string :type use_moveit: bool """ use_arm = rospy.get_param("use_arm", False) use_sim = rospy.get_param("use_sim", False) use_arm = use_arm or use_sim if not use_arm: rospy.logwarn( "Neither use_arm, nor use_sim, is not set to " "True when the LoCoBot driver is launched." "You may not be able to command the " "arm correctly using PyRobot!!!" ) return super(LoCoBotArm, self).__init__( configs=configs, ns=ns ) self.joint_stop_pub = rospy.Publisher( append_namespace(self.ns, self.configs.ROSTOPIC_STOP_EXECUTION), Empty, queue_size=1 ) # Services self.joint_cmd_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( append_namespace(self.ns, self.configs.ROSSERVICE_JOINT_COMMAND), JointCommand ) self.torque_cmd_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( append_namespace(self.ns, self.configs.ROSTOPIC_TORQUE_COMMAND), JointCommand )
[docs] def set_joint_velocities(self, velocities, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Velocity control for " "locobot not supported yet!")
[docs] def set_joint_torque(self, joint_name, value): """ :param joint_name: joint name (['joint_1', 'joint_2', 'joint_3', 'joint_4'']) :param value: torque value in Nm :type joint_name: string :type value: float :return: sucessful or not :rtype: bool """ joint_id_dict = {"joint_1": 1, "joint_2": 2, "joint_3": 3, "joint_4": 4} if joint_name in joint_id_dict: return self.torque_cmd_srv("newt", joint_id_dict[joint_name], value) else: rospy.logerr( "{} joint name provided, it should be one of this {}".format( joint_name, sorted(joint_id_dict.keys()) ) ) return False
[docs] def set_joint_torques(self, torques, **kwargs): """ Sets the desired joint torques for all arm joints. :param torques: target joint torques, list of len 4 populated with torque to be applied on first 4 joints of arm in Nm :type torques: list """ if len(torques) == 4: joint_id_list = ["joint_1", "joint_2", "joint_3", "joint_4"] for index, value in enumerate(torques): self.set_joint_torque(joint_id_list[index], value) else: rospy.logerr("It is expecting input of type list of length 4")
[docs] def go_home(self, plan=False): """ Commands robot to home position :param plan: use moveit to plan the path or not :type plan: bool """ return self.set_joint_positions(np.zeros(self.arm_dof), plan=plan)