Source code for pyrobot.core

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import print_function

import copy
import importlib
import os
import sys
import threading
import time
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import rospy
import tf
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, Pose, PoseStamped
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState, CameraInfo, Image

from pyrobot.utils.util import try_cv2_import

cv2 = try_cv2_import()

from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError

import message_filters

import actionlib

from actionlib_msgs.msg import GoalStatus

from hydra.experimental import initialize, compose
from hydra.utils import instantiate
from omegaconf import DictConfig
import logging
import os

import libtmux
import os
import os.path as osp

def make_module(cfg):
    module = instantiate(cfg.object, configs=cfg.conf)
    return module

def make_robot(robot_cfg, ns="", overrides=[], ros_launch_manager=None):

    if isinstance(robot_cfg, str):
        robot_cfg = compose("robot/" + robot_cfg + ".yaml", overrides)
    elif not isinstance(robot_cfg, DictConfig):
        raise ValueError("Expected either robot name or robot config object")
    ros_launch_manager.launch_cfg(robot_cfg.ros_launch, ns=ns)

    module_dict = {}
    for module_cfg in robot_cfg.modules:
        module_dict[] = make_module(module_cfg)

    return module_dict

def make_sensor(sensor_cfg, ns="", overrides=[], ros_launch_manager=None):

    # TODO: add check if the sensor name passed is correct

    if isinstance(sensor_cfg, str):
        sensor_cfg = compose("sensor/" + sensor_cfg + ".yaml", overrides)
    elif not isinstance(sensor_cfg, DictConfig):
        raise ValueError("Expected either robot name or robot config object")
    ros_launch_manager.launch_cfg(sensor_cfg.ros_launch, ns=ns)

    module_dict = {}
    for module_cfg in sensor_cfg.modules:
        module_dict[] = make_module(module_cfg)
    return module_dict

def make_algorithm(algorithm_cfg, world, ns="", overrides=[], ros_launch_manager=None):

    # TODO: add check if the algorithm name passed is correct
    if isinstance(algorithm_cfg, str):
        algorithm_cfg = compose("algorithm/" + algorithm_cfg + ".yaml", overrides)
    elif not isinstance(algorithm_cfg, DictConfig):
        raise ValueError("Expected either algorithm name or algorithm config object")

    robots = {}
    if "robot_labels" in algorithm_cfg.keys() and algorithm_cfg.robot_labels:
        for robot_label in algorithm_cfg.robot_labels:
            robots[robot_label] = world.robots[robot_label]

    # TODO: add sensors
    sensors = {}

    dependencies = {}
    if "dependencies" in algorithm_cfg.keys() and algorithm_cfg.dependencies:
        for dependency_cfg in algorithm_cfg.dependencies:
            if dependency_cfg["algorithm"] in world._algorithms_pool.keys():
                dependency = world._algorithms_pool[dependency_cfg["algorithm"]]
                dependency = make_algorithm(
                    dependency_cfg["algorithm"], world, ns, overrides, ros_launch_manager
                world._algorithms_pool[dependency_cfg["algorithm"]] = dependency

            dependencies[dependency.get_class_name()] = dependency

    if "ros_launch" in algorithm_cfg.keys() and algorithm_cfg.ros_launch:
        if not ros_launch_manager:
            ros_launch_manager = world.ros_launch_manager
        ros_launch_manager.launch_cfg(algorithm_cfg.ros_launch, ns=ns)

    if "conf" not in algorithm_cfg.keys():
        conf = {}
        conf = algorithm_cfg.conf

    algorithm = instantiate(
    return algorithm

[docs]class World(object): """ Root class for four types or modules: robots, sensors, algorithms, and objects (obstacles), each being a dictionary of robot/sensors/algorithms/object instances. All of these instances can be queried by self.robots/sensors/algorithms/objectsp["label"] """
[docs] def __init__(self, config_name=None, configs_path=None, overrides=[]): """ Constructor for World object. :param configs_name: file name for the config file correspond to the world object. Type: str :param configs_path: folder path for the config file correspond to the world object. If None, default to be `{$pyrobot-root}/src/pyrobot/hydra_config`. Type: str :param overrides: a list of override commands. Details described in: Type: list[str]. """ # overrides: # TODO: see if ros can be made optional self.ros_launch_manager = RosLaunchManager() if self.ros_launch_manager.get_window("roscore") is None: self.ros_launch_manager.create_and_cmd(name="roscore", cmd="roscore", ns="") rospy.sleep(1) try: rospy.init_node("pyrobot", anonymous=True) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: rospy.logwarn("ROS node [pyrobot] has already been initialized") if configs_path is None: configs_path = "hydra_config" try: initialize(configs_path) except AssertionError as error: logging.warning(error) self.robots = {} self.sensors = {} # public accessible algorithms self.algorithms = {} # pool of all the available algorithms in the backend self._algorithms_pool = {} self.objects = {} self.simulator = {} # Any sensor streams and commands are stored here self.measurements = {} if config_name is not None: world_config = compose(config_name, overrides) if world_config.environment.robots is not None: for robot in world_config.environment.robots: self.add_robot( robot.robot, robot.label, ns=robot.ns, overrides=robot.overrides ) if world_config.environment.sensors is not None: for sensor in world_config.environment.sensors: self.add_sensor( sensor.sensor, sensor.label, ns=sensor.ns, overrides=sensor.overrides, ) if world_config.environment.algorithms is not None: for algorithm in world_config.environment.algorithms: self.add_algorithm( algorithm.algorithm, algorithm.label, ns=algorithm.ns, overrides=algorithm.overrides, )
# TODO: Add, how to deal with objects, and obstacle module def add_robot(self, robot_cfg, label, ns="", overrides=[]): self.robots[label] = make_robot( robot_cfg, ns, overrides, self.ros_launch_manager ) def add_sensor(self, sensor_cfg, label, ns="", overrides=[]): self.sensors[label] = make_sensor( sensor_cfg, ns, overrides, self.ros_launch_manager ) def add_algorithm(self, algorithm_cfg, label, ns="", overrides=[]): if label in self._algorithms_pool.keys(): self.algorithms[label] = self._algorithms_pool[label] else: self.algorithms[label] = make_algorithm( algorithm_cfg, self, ns, overrides, self.ros_launch_manager )
class RosLaunchManager(object): """ TODO: Add more details. """ def __init__(self, world_ns="pyrobot", scope="extend"): # scope = 'overwrite' or 'extend' self.server = libtmux.Server() self.world_ns = world_ns self.scope = scope if scope == "overwrite": self.kill_session(self.world_ns) if self.server.has_session(self.world_ns): self.session = self.server.find_where({"session_name": self.world_ns}) else: self.session = self.server.new_session(self.world_ns) # print("Available sessions:", self.server.list_sessions() ) # maps from any node names to the window names. self.process_dict = {} self.window_names = [] self.scope = scope def set_env_ros(self, pane): pane.send_keys("source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash") pane.send_keys("source ~/low_cost_ws/devel/setup.bash") pane.send_keys("source ~/pyenv_pyrobot_python2/bin/activate") def set_ros_python(self, pane): pane.send_keys("source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash") pane.send_keys("source ~/low_cost_ws/devel/setup.bash") pane.send_keys("source ~/pyrobot_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash") pane.send_keys("source ~/pyenv_pyrobot_python3/bin/activate") # pane.send_keys('load_pyrobot_env') def kill_session(self, sess_name): if self.server.has_session(sess_name): self.server.kill_session(sess_name) def get_window(self, window_name): windows = if windows is None: return None for window in windows: if == window_name: return window return None def kill_window(self, window_name): window = self.get_window(window_name) if window is not None: window.kill_window() def create_and_cmd(self, name, cmd, ns=""): window = self.get_window(name) if window is None: self.window_names.append(name) window = self.session.new_window(name) else: if self.scope == "overwrite": print("Overwriting the window: {}".format(name)) self.kill_window(name) window = self.session.new_window(name) else: pane = window.panes[0] pane.send_keys("C-c", enter=False, suppress_history=False) print("Window already exists. Killing past commands and running new.") # print("Cannot overwite. A window with name {} already exits".format(name)) # return pane = window.panes[0] self.set_env_ros(pane) # TODO: add namespace bash variable here! if ns != "": pane.send_keys("export ROS_NAMESPACE=/{}".format(ns)) pane.send_keys(cmd) def launch_cfg(self, ros_cfg, ns=""): mode = ros_cfg.mode wait_time = ros_cfg.wait if isinstance(ros_cfg[mode], str): cmd = ros_cfg[mode] if cmd is not None: name = osp.join(ns, self.create_and_cmd(name, cmd + " ns:={}".format(ns), ns) else: for key in ros_cfg[mode]: cmd = ros_cfg[mode][key] if cmd is not None: name = osp.join(ns, self.create_and_cmd(name, cmd + " ns:={}".format(ns), ns) rospy.sleep(wait_time) # seconds def __del__(self): if self.scope == "overwrite": self.kill_session(self.world_ns) else: for window_name in self.window_names: self.kill_window(window_name)