Source code for pyrobot.algorithms.camera_transform

from .algorithm import Algorithm

[docs]class CameraTransform(Algorithm): """ Base class of Camera Transform algorithms. Specifically, this algorithm handles getting transformation from image to 3D points. It also give access to camera intrinsics and extrinsics. """
[docs] def __init__( self, configs, world, ros_launch_manager=None, robots={}, sensors={}, algorithms={}, ): super(Algorithm, self).__init__( configs, world, ros_launch_manager, robots, sensors, algorithms, )
[docs] def pix_to_pt(self, rows, columns, depth_img, rgb_img=None, in_cam=True): """ This function takes in row and column indices of depth and rgb image, and map to 3d point in camera frame or in specified base frame. Args: rows: list-like vector of indices of the rows of queried pixels, length is number of queried pixels. columns: list-like vector of indices of the columns of queried pixels, length should be the same as `rows`. depth_img: array of depth image with shape (Camera.height, Camera.width) rgb_img: array of rgb image with shape (Camera.height, Camera.width, 3). Default: None. If None, the function would only return 3D points but not color. in_cam: bool, specify if the returned 3d points are in camera frame. Default: True. If True, the function would return 3D points w.r.t camera frame; else it would return points w.r.t base frame specified in camera configs. Returns: pts: array of queried pixel positions in 3D with shape (n, 3). Each of the n entries is an [x, y, z] vector colors: array of queried pixel colors in 3D with shape (n, 3). Each of the n entries is an [r, g, b] vector If rgb_img is None, colors would be None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def pcd_from_img(self, depth_img, rgb_img=None, in_cam=True): """ This function takes in depth and rgb image, and map to 3d point in camera frame or in specified base frame. Args: depth_img: array of depth image with shape (Camera.height, Camera.width) rgb_img: array of rgb image with shape (Camera.height, Camera.width, 3). Default: None. If None, the function would only return 3D points but not color. in_cam: bool, specify if the returned 3d point cloud are in camera frame. Default: True. If True, the function would return 3D point cloud w.r.t camera frame; else it would return points w.r.t base frame specified in camera configs. Returns: pts: array of queried pixel positions in 3D with shape (n, 3), where n is the number of valid points in depth image. Each of the n entries is an [x, y, z] vector colors: array of queried pixel colors in 3D with shape (n, 3). where n is the number of valid points in depth image. Each of the n entries is an [r, g, b] vector If rgb_img is None, colors would be None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_transform_matrix(self, source_frame, target_frame): """ This function takes in a source frame and a target frame, get a transform from source frame to target frame. Args: source_frame: string of source frame name target_frame: string of target frame name Returns: transformation_matrix: a 4x4 matrix structured as: M = [ [Rxx, Rxy, Rxz, tx], [Ryx, Ryy, Ryz, ty], [Rzx, Rzy, Rzz, tz], [0, 0, 0, 1 ] ] such that for any point p = [x, y, z] in source frame, construct p' = [x, y, z, 1], Mp' gives you rotated and translated point in target frame; construct p'' = [x, y, z, 0], Mp'' gives you rotated point (no translation) in target frame. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_intrinsics(self): """ Returns: intrinsics_matrix: a 3x3 matrix structured as: K = [ [fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1 ], ] where f is focal length and c is center pixel. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def check_cfg(self): """ This function checks required configs shared by all camera transform instances in constructor. Specifically, it checks for: 1) The camera transform algorithm handles one camera, and one camera only 2) The camera is either a component of a robot or a sensor 3) The camera has a base frame and an camera frame 4) The camera has intrinsic params: fx, fy, cx, cy 5) The camera has image size specified For any algorithm specific config checks, please extend the check_cfg function with customized algorithm config checks after calling this function using `super().check_cfg()` """ assert len(self.robots.keys()) + len(self.sensors.keys()) == 1, "One camera transform only handle one camera!" if len(self.robots.keys()) > 0: robot_label = list(self.robots.keys())[0] assert ( "camera" in self.robots[robot_label].keys() ), "Camera required for CameraTransform!" camera = self.robots[robot_label]["camera"] else: sensor_label = list(self.sensors.keys())[0] camera = self.sensors[sensor_label] assert ( "BASE_FRAME" in camera.configs.keys() ), "BASE_FRAME required for in_cam transformation!" assert ( "RGB_CAMERA_CENTER_FRAME" in camera.configs.keys() ), "RGB_CAMERA_CENTER_FRAME required for camera intrinsics!" assert ( "Camera.fx" in camera.configs.keys() ), "Camera.fx required for camera intrinsics!" assert ( "Camera.fy" in camera.configs.keys() ), "Camera.fy required for camera intrinsics!" assert ( "" in camera.configs.keys() ), " required for camera intrinsics!" assert ( "" in camera.configs.keys() ), " required for camera intrinsics!" assert ( "Camera.height" in camera.configs.keys() ), "Camera.height required for camera intrinsics!" assert ( "Camera.width" in camera.configs.keys() ), "Camera.width required for camera intrinsics!"
def get_class_name(self): return "CameraTransform"