Source code for pyrobot.algorithms.base_planner

from .algorithm import Algorithm

[docs]class BasePlanner(Algorithm): """ Base class of Base Planner algorithms. Specifically, this algorithm handles generating base trajectory and execute the trajectory. """
[docs] def __init__( self, configs, world, ros_launch_manager=None, robots={}, sensors={}, algorithms={}, ): super(Algorithm, self).__init__( configs, world, ros_launch_manager, robots, sensors, algorithms, )
[docs] def get_plan_absolute(self, x, y, theta): """ This function takes in desired x, y, theta position in world frame, and generate a plan as a list of poses in the world frame Args: x: desired translation along x-axis in world frame. Unit: meters. y: desired translation along y-axis in world frame. Unit: meters. theta: desired orientation in world frame. Unit: radius. Returns: plan: list of x, y, t points along the planned trajectory (point1, point2, ..., pointn) each of the point would take form that point.pose.position.x, point.pose.position.y, point.pose.position.theta denotes x, y, t position of each point in world frame. If a plan cannot be generated, this function should raise an error. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def move_to_goal(self, x, y, theta): """ This function takes in desired x, y, theta position in world frame, compute a plan as a list of poses in the world frame, and move the base to the desired pose following the plan Args: x: desired translation along x-axis in world frame. Unit: meters. y: desired translation along y-axis in world frame. Unit: meters. theta: desired orientation in world frame. Unit: radius. Returns: status: bool. True if the base gets to the target xyt pose; False otherwise. If a plan cannot be generated or the generated plan cannot be executed, this function should raise an error. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def check_cfg(self): """ This function checks required configs shared by all base planner instances in constructor. Specifically, it checks for: 1) The base planner algorithm handles one robot, and one robot only 2) The robot has a base For any algorithm specific config checks, please extend the check_cfg function with customized algorithm config checks after calling this function using `super().check_cfg()` """ assert len(self.robots.keys()) == 1, "One Planner only handle one base!" robot_label = list(self.robots.keys())[0] assert ( "base" in self.robots[robot_label].keys() ), "base required for base planners!"
def get_class_name(self): return "BasePlanner"